1. Crash Course

I love Crash Course. John and Hank Green (a.k.a the Vlogbrothers) explain moments in U.S. and world history, as well as topics in literature, chemistry, and biology. Their rapid tempo, funny comments and graphics make for an entertaining ride.


2. The Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL):

If you’re stuck on an english or history class essay assignment, OWL has tons of articles on rhetorical strategies, sentence variety, writing concisely, logic in argumentation, MLA citation and so on.


3. Khan Academy

Kahn Academy creates short videos to explain topics in math (by grade level), science, humanities, economics, finance, computer science, and more.  You can brush up your skills and review concepts in any of these subjects. 

Set up a personalized learning dashboard on the site to keep track of your progress.


4. Brain Pickings:

Did you know Ernest Hemingway wrote many of his novels standing up?

Or that Ray Bradbury described lists as creative prompts that “open the trapdoor to the top of your skull?” Intense and true.  

Maria Popova writes thoughtful articles about prominent philosophers, scientists, writers, and artist on this delightful site.


5. Academic Earth

Imagine having a front row seat to courses at the world’s top universities. For free.

“Cervante’s Don Quixote” at Yale? Sure.

 “The Nature Of Mind” at UC Berkeley? Anytime.

All in the comfort of your home. That's a priceless deal.


6. Grammar Girl

I listen to Grammar Girl’s podcast daily while driving (that’s how I roll).

Mignon Fogarty, the creator of Grammar Girl, explains tricky grammar usage in 7 to 15 minute episodes.

Which is grammatically correct? “I’m good” or “I’m well"?

Turns out they're both correct.  Subscribe to her podcast to learn more. 


7. Ted Talks

Ted.com brings you the best of Ted Talk conferences, aptly labled “ideas worth spreading.” 

You’ll find an eclectic mix of 10-20 minute videos on topics such as...

 “How To Use A Paper Towel”

“The Power of Vulnerability

“The Next Species Of Human”

“How Your Body Language Shapes Who You are.” 


Listen to one TED Talk a week, or two a month, and you'll learn more about our world and how to live optimally.  You might even be inspired with new project ideas, or discover a new college major you never considered.

Other options: Idea Channel (similar in energy and tone to Crash Course) Thinkr and Big Think.


Do you have any favorite sites you learn from? I'd love to hear about them! Please share below.

Liz F. Bradley is the founder of Ink Well Coach. She taps into 10 years of experience as an educator to help college applicants bring heart and humor into winning college essays.